Problem systematyki umów obligacyjnych w nowym kodeksie cywilnym


The structure of the sources of the obligations, including the contracts, is not only relevant from the theoretical perspective, but it is also important from the practical point of view. The existing structure of the Polish Civil Code is not fully satisfactory and requires essential restructuring. It is however difficult to share the idea of the Codification Commission to relocate the provisions on the conclusion of the contracts into the book on obligations. The provisions on contract?making are not only of great importance for the part on obligations, but also for the other parts of the civil law and for the labor law. It should be noticed that the intended relocation will only cause confusion and resistance coming from the practice. The same concerns the idea of moving the provisions on torts and unjustified enrichment into the particular part of the law obligations. In case of the scheme of the contract related to the obligations it is necessary to preserve the well verified resource of the legal experience enriched by the European and comparative inspirations. The national and cultural heritage should be preserved and accompanied by the open approach towards the processes of integration and growing cross?border commerce. The new code should fulfill the objective of the complex and real tool of the regulation, respecting all kinds of the legal relationships, namely the general relationships, the consumer relationships, and the commercial ones, with the local and international relevance. The typology of contracts constitutes an effective tool to organize the structure of their presentation in the frame of the code. The most common model of the contract, revised through the practical use, secures to preserve the necessary link to the economic and social reality and facilitates the legal qualification of the obligation. From the legislative point of view the creation of the ideal types of contracts, based on the long term practice, insures stability in relation to the optimum of the rights and duties of the parties, arising from the contract. This traditional approach is rooted in the medieval reception of the Roman law and in the great codifications of the XIX century, as well as in the positively verified experience of lex mercatoria and endorsed by the modern codifications of the last decade (Lithuanian, Estonian, Dutch, Romanian and Hungarian). Some more relaxed classificatory approach has been admitted in the codifications with the weaker tradition of codification. In addition, the hierarchy of the contracts needs to be improved, the groups of the related contracts need to be established and the independent types of the contracts should be verified anew.
