Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza sprzedawcy związana z realizacją uprawnień z tytułu rękojmi a ogólne zasady kontraktowej odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej


The aim of this article is to analyze selected problems of compensation of damages incurred by a buyer of a defective good. The Polish Civil Code among the warranty claims provides a claim for damages that are available to the buyer of a defected good. This ?special damages? claim is susceptible to cause interpretative problems, as it might not be entirely clear how the realization of this claim influences the right to compensation under the general regime of contractual liability, regulated in the so called general part of the Polish law of obligations. The article strives to ascertain the interplay between the warranty regime and the claims for compensation under the general regime of contractual liability. In order to do this, the primary question of prerequisites and the scope of compensation under the warranty regime requires to be addressed.
