O rzetelności w Internecie ? platformy cyfrowe wobec konsumentów. Uwagi na tle Loi pour une République numérique


The matter of digitization and how the society can function in the era of digitization is an extremely important element of French internal affairs and a serious social issue. In October 2016 the loi pour une République numérique entered into a force. It is a law that introduced regulations of the public and private law in the aspects of a digital society. The law embraces three main aspects of the matter. The first one is how to regulate the promotion and the support of the spread of information in a digital environment. The second area is to ensure that a greater safety is provided to natural persons on the Internet. The third aspect is to guarantee a common digitization. The article below discusses the question of the obligation to provide reliable and transparent information that was levied on digital platforms. The lack of any legal definition of a digital platform can create a certain difficulties in that area. That is why the author of the article mentions the most popular models of digital platforms
present in the literature. Fulfilling the legal obligation of reliability of digital platforms demands from the operators to deliver information required by the law in a reliable, understandable and a transparent manner. The solutions introduced in the new law had been broadly discussed and often criticised. It had been claimed, for instance, that the obligation of reliability of digital platforms had been created against the main tycoons of the Internet. What is more, the European Commission expressed doubts that the French law might be an obstacle to a free flow of the capital and providing information services. As the European Commission has accepted a new ?mild policy? in the area of digitization by publishing a communication: ?Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market. Opportunities and Challenges for Europe?, the question of the future relation of the French law and European regulations is still in place. It is highly probable that the loi pour une République numérique
will require some more liberal amendments in the aspect of loyauté of digital platforms.



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