Skuteczność ochrony praw podmiotów danych wynikających z prawa Unii Europejskiej w świetle umowy ?Tarcza prywatności? oraz prawodawstwa federalnego USA


The purpose of this article is to discuss recent developments in the EU?US relations related to the protection of personal data. The Privacy Shield Agreement negotiated in 2016 has resulted in the resumption of the EU?US cross-border flow of data suspended following the CJEU judgment in the Schrems case. The Court in its ruling pointed to the fundamental problems of the incompatibility of the EU and US legislation, in particular in the area of protection of basic values guaranteed by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation is also important factor in discussion of existing and future EU?US data flows regulations. Comparison between Privacy Shield and its predecessor ? the Safe Harbor? is used to reveal important improvements that were implemented to ensure compatibility with the EU regulations. This includes updated set of rules that US organizations should follow when processing data transferred from EU. In result, regulations related to transatlantic cooperation in the area of protection of privacy and personal data require a deeper analysis not only on
the grounds of existing judgments of the CJEU, but also in the light of the US legal safeguards that are available to data subjects. One of the new US legal mechanisms that is intended to provide adequate guarantees of protection for EU individuals relates to the Judicial Redress Act. Several aspects of this new legislation are analyzed in the article and its findings may indicate that ?adequate? protection, i.e. one of the fundamental requirement under EU law and Privacy Shield program, may in fact not be provided. Another aspect of analysis is related to the change of policy of limiting the priority of national security programs, including electronic surveillance, made by the current US administration, which also may affects UE?US agreements related to data protection area. In the final conclusions, recommendation regarding existing and future cross-border
data flows agreements are formulated.



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