Lichwa usankcjonowana

Słowa kluczowe

credit relations
anti-usury regulations


After more than 15 years of absence of any legal regulations limiting the amount of remuneration for financing, in 2005 an act limiting maximum interest was introduced followed in 2015 by an act aimed at further limiting the amount of remuneration with regard to consumer loans. In 2019, the Sejm ? without success ? proceeded with a government?s proposal that intended to further limit the amount of such remuneration by expanding the limitations also to legal relations arising under a loan agreement. Actions taken around the above legal regulations, as well as these regulations themselves, were often referred to as anti-usury. An analysis of the above acts clearly indicates that none of the existing acts, as well
as most of the acts proceeded in the Sejm in 2019, do not fulfil their function, i.e. preventing usury. In addition, some regulations ? probably contrary to their authors ? sanction usury. In particular, it is visible against the background of the historical overview of usury contained in the article ? as a social phenomenon. The article contains a proposal for uncomplicated legal regulation that will effectively eliminate usury in Polish credit relations.
