The paper consists of a comparative study of the liquidity of claims? requirement both in substantive and procedural civil law. The author presents the origins of the above-mentioned notion in Roman law, discusses various models of its mplementation in contemporary, representative jurisdictions of continental Europe, as well as in international instruments for harmonization of private law and the Article 2031 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, as amended pursuant to the Act of 4 July 2019 amending the Act ? Code of Civil Procedure and some other acts (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1469). The author focuses on the function of the liquidity requirement, common for all of the examined jurisdictions. This function consists in ensuring the efficiency of proceedings aimed at granting legal protection to the plaintiff?s claim in the event the defendant raises a set-off defense based on a claim which is disputed and unascertained as to its existence and as to the amount. This means that the examination of such set-off defense would entail a significant delay in deciding upon the plaintiff?s claim already determined with regard to its existence and amount in the course of the proceedings. The analysis results in the conclusion that the most appropriate location of the liquidity requirement is the civil procedural law, as opposed to substantive rules governing the set-off. This corresponds with the above-mentioned overriding procedural function, as well as avoids number of serious problems related to the alternative model. The analysis of foreign regulations in light of their historical background and recent developments also justifies a critical evaluation of the solution implemented in the Article 2031 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure. In conclusion, the author indicates that the optimal device to achieve the goal underlying adoption of this provision is the solution functioning in German law which is based on the mechanism of a conditional judgment (Vorbehaltsurteil).
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