The current civil law regulation of contractual credit relations is insufficient, as it does not cover all types of credit relations that developed in commercial practice. Moreover, the existing regulation, concerning primarily two named contracts being a loan agreement and a bank credit agreement, is ambiguous and doubtful. In result, there is legal uncertainty in many areas relating to emerging credit relationships. Legal problems that arise in that con- nection, often due to their scale, give rise to serious social problems, such as the phenomenon of constantly evolving usury activity or controversies with denominated and indexed credits, which are to be resolved in countless court proceedings initiated by borrowers against banks.
The study advocates for a change to the current civil law regulation of contractual credit relations, which should be based on the introduction of a new type of a named credit contract into the Civil Code. Such regulation, free from current defects and concerns, would apply to all credit relationships where the lending element has a primary function. In consequence, the existing civil law provisions regarding the bank credit agreement and the bank cash loan agreement included in the Banking Law should be repealed. The article also pro- poses to amend the current regulation of the loan agreement by excluding the possibility of concluding cash loan agreements and reducing its function to the agreement applicable mainly in the courtesy relations. As part of the provisions governing the credit agreement, the author proposes a new and comprehensive anti-usury regulation that would be applicable to all credit relations. In addition, the proposed regulation of the credit agreement consists of the provisions defining this type of agreement, specifying the required form, rules for changing the amount of remuneration for a credit granted during the duration of the credit relationship, rules for early repayment of the credit, termination of the credit agreement, rules for requesting the update of information provided by the borrower which are important for the assessment of creditworthiness during the duration of the credit relationship, as well as the rules for converting payments from a foreign currency to the Polish currency and from the Polish currency to a foreign currency.
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