Protecting the environment and the role of sustainability is becoming a global issue. Consumer law has been identified as a regulatory area which can have a substantial influence over the degree of adverse environmental impact of commerce. Consequently, the European Commission strives to adjust the EU legal framework to effectively contribute to the development of ecologically efficient behaviour on the consumer market. The EU legislator has acknowledged the need for a holistic approach to the greening of consumer law, but the attention of the legislator has tended to focus on specific issues, i.a. discussion on planned obsolescence, and chosen institutions, i.a. repair.
In contrast to focusing purely on one specific aspect of consumer sales law, we pursue a holistic revision of the recent Sale of Goods Directive 2019 771 with the aim to illustrate how this Directive could be revised to be ecologically efficient.
We have identified areas in the SGD which require regulatory attention if they were to align with the ecological efficiency considerations. We revised and redrafted the current SGD provisions to improve the Directive contribution to sustainable development. This has resulted in rephrasing of certain provisions, such as conformity requirements, but also fundamentally reshaping the design of certain EU approaches, especially the hierarchy of remedies and direct liability of producer.
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