The Fathers of the Church are ancient Christian writers whose personal integrity and orthodoxy of teaching were confirmed by their acceptance by the Church. There are at least four spheres in which the law was present in the Church Fathers' life and work. The first is their natural legal environment, that is the legal orders governing their daily affairs and the structures of the societies in which they lived - hence, private law as well as public law. The influence of the Fathers of the Church on the interpretation or modification of this law is the second sphere of mutual; here enters the intriguing question of what law emerged from this formative patristic era in relation to Christianity. Sphere three of the interrelationships concerns questions about the meaning for the Church Fathers of the Mosaic Law. Lastly, the foruth sphere of the relationship is the creation of the law of the Christian communities themselves - a process in which the Fathers must have played a key role.
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