There are undoubtedly two general conclusions that can be drawn from the inspiring text edited by Valliere and Polle. Firstly, we should wish Russians, who are looking for their legal identity, to disseminate the fact that the importance of social solidarity was universally acknowledged by Orthodox Russian jurists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who recognised this specificity, but only some of them associated it with authoritarianism and the primacy of Orthodoxy in relation to the restriction of other religions. It is worth remembering Bulgakov's words that "Orthodoxy, which is a religion of freedom, combined with reactionary or class aspirations, is a contradiction that calls for vengeance, which can even be historically justified, but not dogmatically". Secondly, there is no reliable historical basis for a uniform understanding of Russia and other Eastern European countries when defining the boundaries of the civil law tradition.
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Poole, Routledge 2022.
Zweigert, Konrad, and Hein Kötz, Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung auf dem Gebiete des Privatrechts, Tübingen 1984.
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