Human Person and Fictitious Capacity: Law in Leonardo Polo's Thought
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Leonardo Polo
Roman law
sources of law
legal interpretation
legal methodology

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Blicharz, G. J. (2022). Human Person and Fictitious Capacity: Law in Leonardo Polo’s Thought. Forum Prawnicze, (6(68), 34–46.


Leonardo Polo enriches legal philosophy with the concept of 'person', one whose act of being means co-being, co-existence, and which allows the person to grasp his or her act of being through encounter with others - being 'ademas'. This concept might suggest anthropological reflection on individual rights, which are usually conceived as the autonomous sphere of a person as one who can act according to his or her own act of will, and in this way by the exercise of rights can be self-determined. The idea of the person as being-ever-more ('ademas') opens us to the idea of the correlation of our entitlements and of our capacity towards others - which means that we may understand both our entitlements and our capacity only when we encounter others - in dialogue or at the court - by recognizing the constraints upon us of others' entitlements and capacities.
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