This paper will examine constitutional utopianism in the specific case of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Given that utopianism in constitution-making is inevitable, some constitutionalists place an emphasis on pragmatic utopianism as the acceptable approach towards constitutional utopia. Also, it is stated that the consistency of constitutional values and principles, mostly derived from constitutionalism, is a necessary element for a possible constitutional utopia. Based on this theoretical framework, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is examined as a case study. It is demonstrated that, instead of one constitutional utopia, we can find three inconsistent utopias intertwined in a single constitutional text: a constitutional utopia based on Western Constitutionalism, an Islamic utopia and a leftist utopia. Through examples taken from the preamble and articles of the Constitution, the inconsistency of these utopian worlds is demonstrated. Finally it is concluded that Iranian Constitution of 1979, and its amendments in 1989, may be categorized as failed constitutional utopianism.
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