The aim of the paper is to present an alternative interpretation of the article 449 of the Polish Civil Code. In contrast to the most common, literal interpretation thereof, the paper offers a purposive interpretation taking into account ratio legis of the provision at stake. This tool enables to cast away some interpretative doubts which are constantly raised in the literarure. For inastance, it leads to the conclusion that the acknowledgement of debt which (according to the article 449 of the Polish Civil Code) renders the claims for damages assignable shall be limited to the acknowledgement in the strict meaning of the term, that is to the acknowledgement understood as a contract between creditor and debtor, and shall determine a sum of the acknowledged claim. The paper concludes that the article 449 of the Polish Civil Code, thanks to its purposive interpretation, may effectively protect assignors from assigning their claims for damages for the price which is far lower than the value of damages to which the assignor was entitled. This conclusion put in the context of ongoing works on the new law regulating the compensation agencies makes the article 9 of this law (which exludes the possibility of assignement of claims for damages) redundant.
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