This text is a review of the book by Beata Polanowska-Szygulska titled Harmonia i dysonans. Wokół rozmów z oksfordzkimi filozofami [Harmony and Dissonance: On Talks with Oxford Philosophers]. The reviewer polemicizes with the author of the book concerning the role of August Friedrich von Hayek's philosophy in the process of the evolution of capitalism and especially in establishing the so-called capitalism of surveillance (Shosana Zuboff). The revies contains also some remarks concerning the reasons of Polish surrender to Hayek's vision of capitalism during the Polish transformation from socialism to capitalism and some memories of the persons, places and political processes important for the author, and also for the reviewer, of the book.
Lewandowski J., Neoliberałowie wobec współczesności, Gdańsk 1989.
Polanowska-Sygulska B., Harmonia i dysonans. Wokół rozmów z oksfordzkimi filozofami, Kraków 2022.
Zuboff S., Kapitalizm inwigilacji. Walka o przyszłość ludzkości na nowej granicy władzy, przeł. A. Underschuetz, Poznań 2020.
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