Eugenic Abortion as Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
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protection of human life
eugenic abortion
malformed foetus
rights of persons with disabilities
anti-discrimination law
legal exclusion

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Ciepły, F. (2022). Eugenic Abortion as Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities: Another Perspective on Current Constitutional Case in Poland. Forum Prawnicze, (6(68), 74–84.


On 22 October 2020, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal has declared provisions admitting eugenic abortion unconstitutional (case sign. K 1/20, not officially published yet). Tribunal stated that the said provisions sanction eugenic practices in relation to the unborn child deny respect and protection of human dignity (Art. 30) and the principle of legal protection of the life of every human being (Art. 38). Tribunal has not referred to another objection indicated in the MP?s motion that making the protection of unborn child?s right to life dependent on its health status was tantamount to illegal direct discrimination (Art 32). Nevertheless, it seems noteworthy to underline that a negative assessment of a disease, handicap, or disability is not legally tantamount to a negative assessment of the affected human being, their dignity and the value of their life. Human life valued so highly on normative grounds, regardless of the person?s health condition, means that the life of a conceived child with malformations should be protected under penal law to the same extent as the life of a conceived and properly developing child. The admissibility of selective abortion based on the health status of the foetus must be recognized as unacceptable, just as abortion based on gender, race or social origin of the foetus.
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