Evidence and its Proof: Designing a Test of Evidence
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Legal Studies
Philosophy of Law
Law Epistemology
Scientific Knowledge
Science of Law
Evidence Knowledge

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Riofrio, J. C. (2020). Evidence and its Proof: Designing a Test of Evidence. Forum Prawnicze, (3(53). https://doi.org/10.32082/fp.v3i53.219


The principal aim of this paper is to design a ?test? who verifies if one thing is obvious (or self-evident) or not. But, as it is impossible to do without a deep comprehension of the notion of evidence, we begin analyzing how the evidence was conceived in philosophy and in law (Chapter II); then, with a systematic and analytic method, we apply our efforts to understand the meaning of the evident, his classifications and characteristics, and his function in science (Chapter III). Finally, with this background, we deal with the possibility of prove the obvious, and we design a dual test that verifies if the characteristics of the evident appears or not in the evaluated thing (Chapter IV). Always, in each chapter, after the philosophical considerations, we put the consequences of that in the Law. 

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